Welcome to the Website of the Jaguar Drivers' Club Hunter Region (JDCHR)
Serving Newcastle, Hunter, Central Coast and North Coast of NSW
We are a friendly local group of Jaguar and Daimler enthusiasts who enjoy regular trips in and around the Central Coast and Hunter Valley. We have two regular trips every month, breakfast on Saturday and a mid-week morning tea and lunch run. Longer weekend trips are held throughout the year. We get together once a month for our regular monthly meeting. Most months we meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm at Wallsend Diggers Club. In March and October, we meet on the last Friday of the month in the Upper Hunter at Club Singleton. There is no meeting in December.
A comprehensive Club Magazine called The Hub is published for members 11 times a year. The Hub has full details of upcoming Club events, reviews of recent events, advertisements from our sponsors and Jaguars for sale, and articles on anything Jaguar. Here is a recent issue: The Hub April 2024
The JDCHR wishes all of its members, their families and motor vehicle enthusisasts a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.
Member Information
Members, welcome to the new look website on our new hosting.
I am in the process of adding content.
The members’ only page is available now with past issues of The Hub being added progressively.
The password is the same as previously.
Webmaster Paul.
Coming Events
Email social@jaguarhunter.org.au to let us know you are coming to any of the events below, unless advised differently below.

New Members
Come and join us:
We cater for all ages and for everybody, whether you are an:
- Eccentric Mechanical Tinkerer
- Sunday Driver or Picnic Lover
- Fanatical Polisher
- Originality Freak
- Long Term Restorer
- Dreamer
- or like most a members a combination of the above
Due to insurance, registration and licensing requirements the club and its members are unable to provide wedding cars or hire cars.
Prospective members should be aware the JDCHR has a number of significant requirements relating to Conditional Registration (Club Plates).